BTL Professional FAQs

Your Questions Answered

About our BTL criteria

Do you accept applications from first time buyers/landlords?

No, unfortunately we don’t offer products for first time buyers/landlords.

What is the minimum and maximum age limit for applicants?

The minimum age for a buy to let property is 21. Whilst the maximum is 85 years at the end of the mortgage term for individual landlords.

Do you have a minimum income requirement?

No, there is no minimum income requirement.

Do you have a minimum and maximum mortgage term?

The minimum loan term is 5 years and up to a maximum of 25 years.

Do you have a minimum loan amount?

The minimum loan amount is £100,000 and the minimum acceptable valuation for any one property is £135,000.

Do you have a maximum loan amount?

The maximum loan amount is £2,000,000 including any fees added to the loan.

BTL Applications

Are there any application fee’s?

We don’t have any application fees.

Can I receive a decision in principle (DIP)?

A decision in principle can be requested by using the following link

How do I submit an application to you?
A mortgage application can be made by following this link:
If I have a question about my case before submission, who should I contact?

If you have a query regarding a new mortgage application, please contact our business development team on

How can I keep up to date with the progress of my case?

We aim to keep you informed at all stages but if you have any questions, please email the team via or call on 03330 048 048

What are your solicitor requirements?
You can opt for dual or separate representation via our chosen solicitor firm JMW or choose a solicitor of your choice. For them to act on a dual representation basis, they must have 4 partners and £3m PI cover. We will always require separate representation on title split cases.  

BTL Property information

Do you lend in Scotland or Northern Ireland?

No, we only lend in England and Wales.

What is the minimum EPC requirement?

We require an EPC rating between A-E. You can check a properties EPC rating by visiting the governments register:

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Get in touch

Happy to help!

If you have any questions for our team, please get in touch.

Telephone: 03330 048 048


You can also access our Frequently Asked Questions here if you would like further help in out of hours.


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